I've developed the following Customer Service mission, vision, and values based on my 20 years' operations experience. Feel free to use them as a starting point for creating your own relevant statements.
Customer Service Mission
To treat every customer contact and task as an opportunity to strengthen our company’s relationship with that customer.
Customer Service Vision
To dramatically improve our customer’s perception of our Company and its customer service by dealing with customers professionally, in a manner and where they prefer, and by ‘doing it right the first time’.
Customer Service Values
- Make every customer contact an easy and rewarding experience by being knowledgeable, reliable, and respectful.
- Represent the customer by communicating actionable information to drive improvement measures.
- Ensure data capture is accurate, relevant, and complete.
- Employ and retain dedicated, motivated, and skilled professionals.
- Create a work environment that our employees find enjoyable and rewarding.
- Invest in and value our employees through continuous skills assessment, training performance monitoring, and timely feedback.