Customer Care’s primary role is providing customers with support ranging from sales, retention, and help queries. It is the one key “company / customer” touch point serving to reinforce your company's brand values and its customer relationship.
Customer Care servers as the “filter” between the business and its customers. It captures customer contact reasons and provides information throughout the organization in order to improve the Customer Experience and minimize unnecessary support queries and subsequent costs. Thus, Customer Care has the following 3 operational imperatives:
1. Call Avoidance – Review contact reasons codes and call metrics in an effort to identify process improvements and appropriate measures to mitigate unnecessary support queries.
2. Cost Reduction – Focus on “Continuous Improvement” to reduce operational costs and improve department productivity and efficiency – do more for less.
3. Customer Experience – Design processes and procedures form the customer’s perspective (outside in), use common contact handling procedures, call scripts, support applications, and metrics/measures.
As a starting point to help define you define your own Customer Care strategy, I propose the following statements and objectives:
Mission Statement:
To treat every customer contact and task as an opportunity to strengthen our company’s relationship with that customer.
Vission Statement:
To dramatically improve our customer’s perception y dealing with customers professionally, in a manner and where they prefer, and by ‘doing it right the first time’.
- Make every customer contact an easy and rewarding experience by being knowledgeable, reliable, and respectful.
- Represent the customer by communicating actionable information to drive improvement measures.
- Ensure data capture is accurate, relevant, and complete.
- Employ and retain dedicated, motivated, and skilled professionals.
- Create a work environment that our employees find enjoyable and rewarding.
- Invest in and value our employees through continuous performance assessment, professional skills development, and timely feedback.
Customer Experience Statement:
We will be renowned for our reliable service. Our people will be knowledgeable and respond and resolve all customer queries promptly, therefore making customers feel assured. This will be delivered in an enjoyable and caring way that will ultimately make our customers feel special and valued. Our customers will trust us and believe we provide value for money.
Business & Performance Objectives: